Realtime Maps with IP Redirect and Google Sheets

We get some questions every now and then about why we'd bother to add support for Latitude and Longitude in the IP Redirect Helper. Latitude and Longitude seem to be frivolous data points to many, and for you, they may be. However, there is one very cool feature and reason to use them – mapping.

When you combine our IP Redirect Helper with our Google Sheets Integration you are able to create realtime mapping solutions for your geo data in Infusionsoft. If you're not familiar with the Google Sheets Integration, you should check it out. It allows you to grab any saved search or saved report data out of Infusionsoft and realtime sync it to a Google Sheets document. You can also schedule the Google Sheets data to auto refresh on whatever schedule you need.

Using the IP Redirect Helper with Google Sheets allows you to show on a map where your contacts are geographically distributed. This can be useful to then screen print and use inside of presentations on a slide or, even more high tech, is to have it realtime displayed on a monitor (maybe at a display booth, for example). Yeah, it's a little bit of geek feature, but those that need it for their businesses absolutely love it.

So, while it's true that their aren't a ton of use cases for it, it's great data to have and collect and we store both in a single field so there's not that much space wasted. Down the road you may be very glad that you have it. Keep in mind that there are other use cases for this using Google's distancing API's and such, but those are a bit beyond the scope of this quick tip.


Nick Kulavic

Nick Kulavic is the Co-Founder of MyFusion Solutions and the Lead Developer. Basically he's the wizard behind the curtain of all things MyFusion! :-)