Here you can browse through all of the latest Tips & Tricks for the various Helpers. These are also easily accessed on the individual Helper pages and from within our app as well, however, we know some of you just like to browse through them all in one place and get some ideas to implement in your business. Enjoy!

Why Use Our Slack Helper When You Can Do The Same Thing Without It?
We love using our Slack It Helper, especially for new purchases, subscription renewals, and billing failures. It's like having a[...]
Some of My Custom Fields Aren’t Showing
In order to improve the performance of MyFusion Helper, we cache certain data elements so that we don't have to[...]
My Google Sheets Data Is In The Wrong Order!
What’s the Best Practice for Recurring Webinars?
This a question we get all of the time. If you're using our GotoWebinar Helper with recurring weekly webinars, there[...]
Three Custom Audiences Every Business Needs
There is so much you can do with the Facebook Custom Audiences Integration that we have. In fact, you may[...]
How to Quickly Purge Dead Email Addresses
One of the big stumbling blocks for people is that they tend to make things too complicated, get overwhelmed and[...]
Using Field Stashing When You’re Low On Custom Fields
Field stashing is a technique that you can use when you're running low on custom fields or just when you[...]
Turn Static Reporting Data Into More Buyer Sales
Most people are familiar with using the LCV (Lifetime Customer Value) metrics for reporting purposes. Some even go farther and[...]
When to run the Chain It Helper in parallel or serial?
Here's a question we've received a few times: When formatting 3 fields at once (first name, last name, email) and[...]
Simple Split Test – Email Subjects
One quick and easy split test to do (and very effective as well) is to test your email subjects. If[...]
When Is The Reporting Data Available for GotoWebinars?
The tags are applied after the completion of the webinar. We will poll the GotoWebinar servers with the session information[...]
Realtime Maps with IP Redirect and Google Sheets
We get some questions every now and then about why we'd bother to add support for Latitude and Longitude in[...]
Easily Find the Most Engaged Attendees
One of the most powerful natural side effects of using a Webinar for your marketing is that you are able[...]
Add Calendar Links to Your Webinar Registration Emails
Did you know that with our GotoWebinar Integration that you can also get calendar links that you can embed into[...]

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