Why Aren’t My Tags/Custom Fields Showing Up?

Are you trying to connect your newly created Infusionsoft tags or custom fields to a Helper, but they don't seem to be showing up no matter how many Helpers you create?

Well, that's probably because your MyFusion Helper hasn't been synchronized/updated with your Infusionsoft account recently. Here at MyFusion Solutions, we value efficiency and speed! That's one of the many reasons we don't constantly and continuously update the custom field cache EVERY SINGLE TIME you make a change, that would slow you down😓 and would also cause excessive API traffic back and forth.

So we cache the custom field data and just periodically update it,

So if you need to synchronize your tags or custom fields again inside your MyFusion Helper App, just follow these simple steps below:

Step #1 – Locating the “Sync Button”

You need to be logged into your MyFusion Helper App and inside a Helper Edit window:


Step #2 – Syncing Your Infusionsoft Data!

Then, you just need to click one of these buttons and you're all set, easy as pie (the dessert, not π, that's pretty complex😂)!

Interface Tip

NOTE: The update button is slightly different from Helper to Helper. The image on the left below was the old way we did it and will soon be phased out as we update all of the helpers with the new style (the below image on the right).



That's All, You're Updated Once More!

As you can see, it's EXTREMELY SIMPLE to update your Infusionsoft Data into your MyFusion Helper App and can be done in 2 steps with basically 2 mouse clicks (save your energy on some of our more complex Helper tips and tricks)!


Nick Kulavic

Nick Kulavic is the Co-Founder of MyFusion Solutions and the Lead Developer. Basically he's the wizard behind the curtain of all things MyFusion! :-)

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