Notify Me Helper
Send custom notifications through Infusionsoft.
The Notify Me Helper is a combination of email notifications and/or text notifications. The beauty is you can choose either, or both - it's up to you.
These notifications can be for internal use or external notification and can even include data about your last order as well. Think of this as a more sophisticated way of doing tasks in Infusionsoft.
Highlighted Features
- Text, Email or Both - Your Choice
- 100% Free Text Messaging
- Merge In Last Order Details
- Simple @ Field Lookup
Text, Email or Both - Your Choice
You can choose text notifications, email notifications or both if you prefer.
100% Free Text Messaging
We use the cell phone carrier information and your phone number to send out your text via email. This method is 100% free with all major cell service providers. The only downside is that you do need to know the cell phone provider for the number you're messaging.
Merge In Last Order Details
We also allow you to merge in information about the last order placed into your notifications.
Simple @ Field Lookup
Recently the merge field lookup functionality has been updated so that you can simply use an @ sign and it will popup the fields for you to choose from. Super easy and fast.
The Toolbar
Above is the toolbar options you'll see for the Notify Me Helper. Here are the Toolbar button options from left to right:
- Copy Link for Infusionsoft - This first blue copy link button copy the URL used for the http post snippet inside of the Infusionsoft Campaign Builder.
- Configure Button - The last button on the far right is the start configuration button which allows you to View, Edit, Copy, Delete, view the Usage Report and the Usage Log.
Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts
None, currently.
Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to MyFusion Helper. This is a short video showing you how to use the Notify Me Helper and this is a great little helper that is widely used. I use it all the time for debugging and sending free little texts and notes to myself back and forth when I'm going through a campaign and working through the bugs so what I'm gonna show you is a live demo of how it works and how to set it up in the application and then we'll also go into some more strategic uses of it as well. So let's dive right in.
Alright so inside of the helper the first thing we're gonna do is type in the name of it so we can get it and we just type in no and there we go, notify me and we can create some name of the helper itself so Notify Troy, there we go via SMS for testing. Okay and then we come down here and there are some different options we can choose. Now I use this mostly for free SMS sending, but you can also use it for emails or you can use it for both. Now I want to be very, very clear here. This is meant for internal SMS. Right. It's not gonna be useful for clients that are opting into a webinar etc.
For that we have another Help It that allows you to send SMSs to anybody to their mobile phone. The notify me sends out free SMS and the way that it's free is that you do need to know the provider. So for example, if you're gonna send it to me for example you would need my cell phone which we'll just pretend is that and I don't need a million text messages coming in to me here and we'll put our provider, choose AT&T or whoever your provider is and that is necessary. So I want to be really clear on this. This is most useful for internal messaging or messaging to your sales staff for example where for example your sales staff has an assigned contact and customers and they want to get notifications and that can be very, very useful for that as well.
I use this a lot for debugging and testing or if I'm waiting on an order or waiting on something for a particular client or just rolled out a new campaign and I want to monitor it for awhile I'll put in a notification so I can see what's going on. Okay and that's how I use it, but you can use it however you like. Just remember it does require you to select and you can see. I mean it's got tons of mobile providers here. The big ones of course, but it's also got a ton of local ones as well. So hopefully that works as well for you.
Then you can create the message itself and the message could be an order was processed for and then you can merge in your merge fields so it will merge in that logic and it automatically puts in a space in there and their email is okay and then we can kind of put in this information, but you can construct this message however you want with all of these fields and again it does merge in custom fields as well so you can get creative here and quite powerful in these messages to make them very useful and set up little notifiers for different events that you may want to trigger and/or monitor.
That's how you would do it for an SMS. If you wanted to do it for email, then you can add a comma separated list of emails that you'd like to email to okay and then set a subject and then you can use some merge fields here again the same way and then merge and then one last little feature I wanted to talk to you about is the fact that we can also add last order details to the email. So this was a client request that they wanted to kind of customize their own little email invoices and they wanted to be able to do kind of an invoice summary of the context last order details, including items and payments and addresses etc and so that is an option that you can use here as well. Okay.
Then lastly if you want to do both, both an SMS and an email, you can go that route as well. That's a little too much info for me so I'll just do something here and we'll just put something in there and go ahead and create the helper and this is a normal process. Once the helper is created it's gonna give you a link to copy and paste into InfusionSoft so that's the same process that we always do. We copy this link and then we'll come into InfusionSoft and we have some sequence here. We'll go in and drag in an HTTP post, rename it and then we can go ahead and paste in that URL and mark it as ready to go and that is all it takes to integrate it with InfusionSoft. Note that you don't have to configure any of these optional name value pairs so just leave it as it defaults with the contact ID and you're all set.
Okay so we talked about how to do it and I showed you so now let's go back and kind of talk about some of the examples of use cases for it. The free SMS for internal staff notifications is probably the number one reason for using this. Right. It allows you to do all kinds of internal messaging without having to pay anything for it and hey, free is good. We all like free. Right. I like free. So we do have a paid SMS and text messaging helper as well, so for the scenarios where you don't know their providers and you can't do it on this free approach, then no problem. Use the other system that we have. However, this gives you the ability to do it for free and for internal stuff, that's a perfect way to do it. The staff and sales people will use this all the time.
We have companies that have clients out in the field and they want to be able to notify the sales force in the field of things as they are happening in real time. In fact they integrate it with MyFusion notes and so when a help desk ticket comes in, a client calls in and needs something and it goes through the MyFusion Notes, the help desk creates it and then it is assigned an urgent priority and based upon the fact that it's an urgent priority, it automatically creates an automation in InfusionSoft which then sends out a text message to the sales rep and because we can look at the owner field of that particular contact, we know who the sales contact rep is and because they're internal staff, all of the sale people, we know what their phone provider is and their phone numbers are so we can just set up these notifications to go to them that way. So there's very useful ways of using this even though it is free texting that are very applicable for internal sales or staffing organization.
Another thing that you can do is as you've seen is sending out some customized payment notifications via email. You've seen the examples there of how to select that application and get like a mini invoice with payment details and stuff as well. Very useful in that scenario.
So those are just a couple of examples of how you can use this helper in your campaigns and in your business. Have a great day. We'll talk to you soon.
If you need more help reach out on the help desk at